How I Lost 47 lbs. on the Paleo Lifestyle

paleo lifestyle

I was looking for a way to lose weight because my doctor told me I was obese, and found the paleo lifestyle. I searched and found that the Paleo Lifestyle was eating the caveman style. There are so many processed foods today and they not only cause weight gain but also causes health issues. When I changed over to this lifestyle I lost 47 lbs in 18 months.

I found the 30 day challenge and purchased that starter program. When I saw what I had to do I dove right into this lifestyle. It was a big change but it was worth the change. Because of the big change my family wouldn’t do it with me. Even when they saw what it did for me, it was not a choice they would make for themselves. First of all it has no sugar at all. This was a big change. I began using natural sweeteners. I became accustomed to this and it was a change I didn’t notice.
No dairy, grains, legumes, or pastas. This was different since my husband is Italian. I began using things I needed to and Pinterest became my best friend. Some recipes I didn’t use because of not having the ingredients handy.

I went from a size 16 at 177 lbs. to size 6 at 120lbs. Receiving so many compliments about the change in my body was why I felt so good about myself. I went from a size 16 at 177 lbs. to size 6 at 120lbs. I received so many compliments about the change in my body. My husband and I went to Porta Viarto in Mexico and it was fun buying a whole new wardrobe. It was even more fun getting rid of the bigger clothes. I bagged them up and dropped them off in the donation bins.

paleo lifestyle

I did a video on what I did to loose 47 lbs. with Paleo Lifestyle. Below is the link to watch my video.

Here is the link to check out my ebook on the subject.

It became clear to me that this was what I was looking for when in the first week I lost 5 lbs.. I was never able to lose that much so fast before.

I found to keep off the weight loss be sure you make this your lifestyle and don’t go back to the previous way of living. Paleo is a life long conversion to maintain your weight and keep the health you have obtained when using this lifestyle.